City Council Chambers
150 City Park Way
Brentwood, CA 94513

Mayor Bryant called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

Roll Call found the following members present: Mendoza, Meyer, Pierson, Oerlemans, and Mayor Bryant.  

Girl Scout Troop 31929 led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Bryant opened Public Comments. 

Lill Pierce spoke on behalf of the Brentwood Regional Community Chest and thanked the Council for their continued support.

Denise Duran provided comments in support and appreciation of the City Manager's Town Hall meetings.

There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Bryant closed Public Comments.


Council Member Mendoza reported on attendance at a meeting with Michael Storper, UCLA Professor of Urban Planning, Cal Cities Mayors and Council Members Academy, spoke to students at Liberty, attendance at Downtown Brentwood Coalition meeting, tour of City Hall with Village Community Resource Center students, presentation at Telegraph Hill Dwellers in San Francisco on Our Neighborhood Voices initiative, Lions Club of Brentwood Crab Feed, Odessey of the Mind student event at Edna Hill, and the School Interagency Meeting.

Council Member Pierson reported on attendance at the School Interagency Meeting, Race and Equity Committee meeting, wrote an article about diversity and Black History month for The Press, and attendance at the Police Activities League (PAL) BBQ Cook Off and Fundraiser event. 

Council Member Oerlemans reported on attendance at PAL board meetings, Farmers Market, Finance and Budget Committee meeting, Tri Delta Transit board meeting, the Police Activities League (PAL) BBQ Cook Off and Fundraiser event, and the Brentwood Police Department community meeting.

Vice Mayor Meyer reported on attendance at the Cal Cities Mayors and Council Members Academy, tour of City Hall with Village Community Resource Center students, Race and Equity Committee meeting, Downtown Brentwood Coalition Besties Bash, Cal Cities Leader group to discuss upcoming leader summit, interviewed by Christ who is a boy scout out working toward earn his Eagle ranking, attendance at Odessey of the Mind student event at Edna Hill, and received an invitation from the White House to attend Vice President Kamala Harris' second stop of her National Reproductive Freedoms tour.

Mayor Bryant reported on attendance at Tri Delta Transit board meeting, Police Activities League (PAL) BBQ Cook Off and Fundraiser event, East Contra Costa Regional Fee and Finance Authority (ECCRFFA) meeting, Mayors' Conference, State Route 4 meeting, Transplan meeting, and 2024 Commissions Interview Committe with Council Member Mendoza to interview candidates for the Arts Commission and the Park and Recreation Commission. 

Assistant City Manager Darin Gale provided an update regarding the Mokelumne Trail Overcrossing ribbon cutting scheduled for March 20th, 2024, at 10:00 am.

Mayor Bryant pulled item E.6 from the Consent Calendar. 

  • Moved by:Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor
    Seconded by:Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member

    Adopted the Consent Calendar as recommended by staff, excluding item E.6  

    Ayes (5)Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor, Jovita Mendoza, Council Member, Tony Oerlemans, Council Member, Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member, and Joel Bryant, Mayor

    Motion Approved (5 to 0)
  • Adopted Resolution 2024-11 accepting the work performed by GameTime for the Veterans Park Cable Climber Replacement Project, CIP Project No. 352-52449 (the “Project”) and requests that the City Clerk file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder.

  • Adopted Resolution 2024-12 accepting the work performed by B and D Excavation and Construction (“Contractor”) for the Sound Wall, CIP Project No. 337-37263 (“Project”); and requesting the City Clerk file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder.

  • Adopted Resolution 2024-13 appointing Sukari Beshears, Director of Human Resources/Risk Manager, as the primary Board Member and Kerry Breen, City Treasurer/Director of Finance and Information Systems, as the alternate Board Member on the Municipal Pooling Authority (MPA) Board of Directors and repeal in its entirety Resolution 2017-16.

  • Adopted Resolution 2024-14 approving the purchase of one Vac-Con Hydro Excavator truck from Municipal Maintenance Equipment, Inc., in Sacramento, CA; and authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute any necessary associated documents in an amount not to exceed $662,500.

Senior Analyst Abraham Salinas presented the item.

  • Moved by:Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor
    Seconded by:Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member

    Adopted Resolution 2024-15 approving a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and Harvest Time for the Use of Agricultural Mitigation Fees to implement a Three-Year Staffing and Marketing Program; and amend the 2023/24 Operating Budget, as amended by staff.

    Ayes (5)Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor, Jovita Mendoza, Council Member, Tony Oerlemans, Council Member, Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member, and Joel Bryant, Mayor

    Motion Approved (5 to 0)

Senior Planner Jennifer Hagen presented the item.

Mayor Bryant opened the public hearing.

Kenneth Jones provided comments and questions on the item.

Danny Dohrmann spoke in opposition of the item.

Rod Flohr spoke in opposition of the item. 

There being no one else wishing to speak it was moved/seconded by Mendoza/Meyer to close the Public Hearing and closed unanimously.

  • Moved by:Jovita Mendoza, Council Member
    Seconded by:Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor

    Adopted Resolution 2024-16 adopting the City’s November 2023 Submittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for the period of 2023-2031 (6th Cycle), in compliance with State housing element law.

    Ayes (5)Jovita Mendoza, Council Member, Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor, Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member, Tony Oerlemans, Council Member, and Joel Bryant, Mayor

    Motion Approved (5 to 0)

Planning Manager, Erik Nolthenius presented the item.

Mayor Bryant opened the public hearing.

Alvaro Ramos, David Gassman, and Jean Tepperman submitted e-mails in support of the item.

Carolina Villaseca spoke in support on the item.

There being no one else wishing to speak it was moved/seconded by Mendoza/Meyer to close the Public Hearing and closed unanimously.

  • Moved by:Jovita Mendoza, Council Member
    Seconded by:Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member

    Introduced and waived first reading of Ordinance 1067 removing oil and gas development as conditionally permitted uses in Planned Development District No. 17 and Planned Development District No. 55, requiring oil and gas development uses to be expressly listed as permitted or conditionally permitted uses in a district to be permitted or eligible for conditional use permits, amending oil and gas production regulations, and finding the action exempt from CEQA (RZ 23-003).

    Ayes (5)Jovita Mendoza, Council Member, Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor, Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member, Tony Oerlemans, Council Member, and Joel Bryant, Mayor

    Motion Approved (5 to 0)

Recreation Manager Thien Nguyen presented the item.

Mayor Bryant opened the public comment period.

Velma Wilson spoke on behalf of 4EverMe.

Danny Dohrmann provided comments on the item.

Rod Flohr provided comments in support of a Juneteenth event.

Ian Cohen provided comments in support of a Juneteenth event.


  • Moved by:Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member
    Seconded by:Jovita Mendoza, Council Member

    The City Council, by motion, provided the following direction:

    • Hold Juneteenth event in Brentwood on 6/19
    • Appoint Councilmember Pierson as liaison to work with Park & Rec staff on the 2024 event, with no need to return to full Council for approval
    • Cancel 6/21 Concert in the Park
      • Repurpose 6/21 Concert in the Park event $$ for Juneteenth event
    • City to contribute $30,000 to event
      • See if 4EverMe wants to either (a) partner with City or (b) accept consultant fee (or other type of compensation) for 2024 event
      • Have conversation regarding raising City budget next year
    • Recognize Juneteenth as an annual event to be hosted by the City of Brentwood and have conversation regarding scope of future Juneteenth events

    Ayes (5)Jovita Mendoza, Council Member, Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor, Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member, Tony Oerlemans, Council Member, and Joel Bryant, Mayor

    Motion Approved (5 to 0)

The City Council recessed at 10:10 p.m. and reconvened at 10:20 p.m.

City Manager Tim Ogden presented the item.

Mayor Bryant opened the public comment period.

There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Bryant closed the public comment period.

  • Moved by:Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member
    Seconded by:Tony Oerlemans, Council Member

    Directed staff to maintain the current meeting times for regular meetings, with special meetings to begin at 5:30 p.m., and that workshops be held on months with fifth Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. 

    Ayes (5)Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor, Jovita Mendoza, Council Member, Tony Oerlemans, Council Member, Pa'tanisha Pierson, Council Member, and Joel Bryant, Mayor

    Motion Approved (5 to 0)

Council Member Mendoza requested:

Human Resource files related to the City Council's direct reports.

Changes to the calendar on the City's website.

Vice Mayor Meyer presented her item. 

Mayor Bryant opened the public comment period.

Antonio Xavier spoke in favor of allowing general public comments remotely.

Rod Flohr spoke in favor of allowing general public comments remotely.

Carolina Villaseca in favor of allowing general public comments remotely.

Ian Cohen spoke in favor of allowing general public comments remotely.

There being no one else wishing to speak on the item, Mayor Bryant closed the public comment period.

  • Vice Mayor Meyer withdrew her request.

pp/sm 11:38

No Item Selected