An application for a Zoning Text Amendment (RZ 23-001) to amend subsection 17.495.005 (“Other Regulations”) and add a new conditionally permitted use to subsection 17.495.003 of the PD-45 zoning district text; a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 23-001) requesting an increase of 15 residents in an existing residential group home; and a Design Review (DR 23-001) requesting approval for a 2,877 square foot addition, consisting of three dwelling units, communal pantry, laundry facility, and associated site improvements to an existing residential group home, on a 1.5-acre parcel located at 605 Sycamore Avenue (APN 016-310-076).
The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council (1) adopt an ordinance approving RZ 23-001, to amend the PD-45 zoning text, specifically subsection 17.495.005 “Other Regulations” to allow, through a Conditional Use Permit, an increase to the number of residents an existing residential group home can accommodate and add a new conditionally permitted use to subsection 17.495.003 that reflects the previously mentioned allowance; (2) adopt a resolution approving CUP 23-001, which requests approval of 15 additional residents to an existing residential group home; and (3) adopt a resolution approving DR 23-001, which requests approval of a 2,877 square foot addition, consisting of three dwelling units (cottages), a communal pantry, laundry facility, and associated site improvements to an existing residential group home.
The proposed project qualifies as a Class 1 categorical exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15301(e)(2), as it will be an addition to an existing facility in which the 2,877 square foot addition will not result in an increase of more than 50 percent of the floor area of the 7,421 square foot existing structure.
The proposed project is further exempt from CEQA as it qualifies as a Class 3 categorical exemption under Guidelines Section 15303(b), as the project consists of the construction of a small multi-family residential structure totaling no more than six dwelling units within an urbanized area.